Masa lalu, masa kini, dan masa depan



Masa lalu = kenangan dan pembelajaran
masa depan = harapan dan misteri
itu adalah  2 kata yang menggambarkan masa lalu dan masa depan, menurut saya. Bagaimana dengan masa kini? masa kini adalah “perjuangan” untuk esok yang lebih membahagiakan.
Ada hal di masa lalu yang sebaiknya tidak dibawa saat ini, ditinggalkan, bila hal lalu itu baik maka cukup tengok sekali bila ingin tersenyum, bila masa lalu itu buruk maka tak perlulah berfikir untuk meliriknya.
Masa lalu yang menjadikan kita seperti sekarang, menjadikan kita menjadi manusia yang sepantasnya mensyukuri masa kini yang masih diberi. Untuk apa menyesal?
Bila masa lalu itu punya cerita yang lain, maka kita juga tidak akan menjadi seperti sekarang. Kalau kita menyesali masa lalu, berarti kita menyesali masa kini, lalu apa kita masih punya harapan di masa mendatang? Rasanya tidak..
Masa depan itu belum pasti, itu berarti ada banyak kemungkinan. Dan saat ini adalah momentum yang tepat untuk memilih jalan masa depan yang seperti apa yang kita inginkan. Bila ternyata kita memilih A dan di masa mendatang Allah berkehendak bukan A.  Maka, Allah adalah sebaik-baiknya Penentu. Saya percaya qadha dan qadar. Banyak hal yang bisa diusahan saat ini, namun Allah punya takdir sendiri untuk kita. Dan usaha kita saat ini membawa kita pada takdir kita nanti. Saya berpendapat bahwa banyak hal yang bisa diusahakan untuk dirubah kecuali datangnya kematian. Bila tidak puas dengan hidup saat ini, ada yang salah, merasa bahwa hidup saat ini bukan yang seperti diharapkan, maka berubahlah selama itu mendatangkan kebaikan. Walaupun kadang perubahan adalah sesuatu yang menyakitkan pada awalnya.
Lalu hidup saat ini adalah apa yang kita usahakan di masa lalu. Apa yang terjadi sekarang juga telah ditulisan oleh Allah untuk kita. Entah, kita tak tahu skenario apalagi yang akan Allah tuliskan pada kita esok, di masa mendatang. Saat ini kita hanya bisa berusaha yang terbaik, memperbaiki diri lagi, memantaskan diri lagi, atau yang paling minimal bertahan. Belajar dari masa lalu, belajar dari kesalahan yang pernah dibuat, dan jangan mengulanginya lagi agar tidak jatuh di lubang yang sama.  Belajar dari masalah, masalah itu seperti batu kerikil di perjalanan, kadang kita justru tersandung oleh kerikil kecil, bukan batu yang besar. Memang benar, masalah itu datang untuk diselesaikan, sampai kita ketemu jalan keluar. Jalan keluar itu kita gunakan untuk menghadapi kerikil-kerikil dan batu-batu yang lain selama perjalanan. Saya selalu berfikir bahwa bila masalah sekarang adalah batu seukuran telapak tangan, maka pastilah ada batu yang ukurannya lebih besar. Jadi sebaiknya menyiapkan diri untuk mencari amunisi agar batu itu pecah sebelum kita di depannya/sebelum kita akan melewatinya. Bagaimana jika kita tidak bisa menyelesaikan masalah itu? Ingat Allah tidak akan memberi masalah bila tidak ada jalan keluarnya, dan bila Allah memberi ujian pada hambaNya, maka sesungguhnya ia mampu menuntaskannya.
Yah, hidup itu tidak mudah, tapi juga tidak sesulit itu , kata Pak Mario Teguh.. Super sekali kan?
Perjuangan hidup ini masih berlanjut, sampai Allah Sang Pemberi Kehidupan menyatakan bahwa perjuangan kita usai.
Selamat berjuang, untuk diriku, anakku, saudara-saudaraku muslimin dan muslimat 🙂



May 23th, 2013
2.15 pm





Perjalanan kami, usai

-November 2012-
Kerena di setiap perjalanan kami selalu menemukan pelajaran
Di setiap perjalanan kami menemukan kenangan
dalam perjalanan kami bertukar pikiran
di perjalanan kami saling tertawa dan kecewa
dalam perjalanan, kami saling mencari makna
Karena dari perjalanan kami di dekatkan
Tebarkan cinta diperjalanan kami yang panjang…
Bila suatu ketika perjalanan ini harus berhenti di suatu persimpangan yang membuat kami memilih jalan berlainan
dan melanjutkan perjalanan kami dengan kendaraan yang berbada.
Janganlah berhenti di situ saja Teman 🙂
Karena semua ini baru permulaan…
-April 2013-




susu yang ia siapkan penuh cinta digelas malam itu lepas dari genggamannya, tergelincir menuju lantai..

Pecah..hancur berantakan..tak bisa dinikmati pun tak bisa dilihat..Dan tak akan ada lagi dia si pembuat susu..

:’) kisah absurd di malam minggu.


saturday, April 7th, 2013




susu glas




Inspirasi pagi hari ^.^

What a blessing sunday morning..yeyy *\^.^/*


Selamat tidur anak manusia, dan mimpi-mimpimu telah menunggu di batas dunia,

rengkuhlah asa, peluklah cita dan cinta, aku menunggu dibalik oase fatamorgana

Sudahkah kau kepakkan sayap selebar angkasa? menerbangkannya keliling tata surya..

bila kau mampu, melihat eloknya dunia dari surga

jangan takutkan hujan, dia takkan merusak sayapmu, selalu ada matahari yang menghangatkan

Tapi tak perlulah takut akan ia, karena ia tak bisa membakarmu.

Saat ini dan seterusnya, hujan dan matahari adalah teman.

Bersahabatlah dengan mimpi, dia menerbangkan fantasi, menidurkan dunia fana untuk sementara,

jangan takutkan mimpimu tak nyata, kau bisa fikirkan apa saja, mimpi mengajarimu terbang kadang tenggelam

Dia pernah berkata padaku ” kami tercipta bukan untuk ditakuti manusia”



Oktober 7th, 2012

05.00 am

Di suatu waktu

Bila rindu adalah mendung yang terus menggunung tak terbendung

akankah ia meleleh jatuh menjadi hujan, mencairkan pilu karena terus memikirkanmu?

When I just can hold my chest, gasping my breath, restrain my tears to stop

what can I do if I am so damn miss you, I am here waiting your call, waiting you feel the same loosing

While I am hardly reach my effort to call, my self is to shy to confess that i do miss you badly

Again, I wanna see you, feel you beside me. Would you listen my missing lonely?




Oktober 3th, 2012


unknown time

trip to Bromo \^.^/

Dear friends,   It was just few hours ago, My 2 partner and I had just back from our vacation as backpacker to BBM (Bromo, Batu, Malang). Before I forgot all my detail trip, I am gonna share my trip for 4 days 3 night which started on Tuesday 01.00 am until Friday 05.00 am around east Java.

First, few days before our departure, we had already arranged our trip in detail. We prepared it well, discussed, and were looking for some information from websites, blogs, and friend’s suggestions. Based on some blogs and information, Bromo could be climbed by 4-5 tracks. One of the most favorite is through Probolinggo (my friend said that this track is easier and no need to walk to much than Pasuruan, Malang, and other track). Briefly, we dealt and decided to climb Bromo through Probolinggo. Then, to reach Probolinggo, we can go either from Surabaya or Malang. To reach Surabaya or Malang, we can take either bus or train. I think train is more favorable than bus. Oh, and for your information, we would depart from Semarang (Poncol station) because we are Semarang-nian. :p .Below is the comparison of train pathways between SMG (poncol)-SBY (ps.Turi) Versus SMG (poncol)-Malang (kota baru):

CostLength of duration 37 000 ID6 hrs Around 38 000 ID8-10 hrs

So, regarding of arrival time and cost, we decided to go to Surabaya first and paid 41 000 ID using Kertajaya train. I thought the train cost was more expensive than usual because it was holiday season. The train came to Semarang from Jakarta at 01.00 am and arrived to Surabaya (ps Turi) at 06.00 am. We took a rest for while then continued our journey to Bungurasih terminal using bus. We asked some pedestrian sellers how to reach Bungurasih terminal. They suggested us to go by bus than “angkot” because bus took shorter time which only needs 20 minutes. We paid 4000 ID for the bus. Fiuh, keep the spirit high, because we still had half way to Bromo! From Bungurasih terminal we took bus again to Probolinggo terminal using Patas AC bus. The ticket for Patas bus was 23 000 ID, while economic one was 12 500 ID (based on DLLAJ board information). After 2 hours in the way we arrived at Probolinggo terminal around 10.30 am then took a rest, took a bath, and having brunch. We hoped that we would meet another backpacker here, but no-one we could meet. I suggest you to take a bath in Probolinggo terminal, beside the bathroom was quite clean, the water in Bromo was damn chilled. I dare you to take bath there! In this terminal, there will be a lot Bison driver or “ojek rider” offering you trip to Bromo. We preferred using bison. The fee of Bison (like small bus which usually took us to Bromo) was 25 000 ID (the lowest price) while using “ojek” was 75 000 ID. The disadvantage using Bison is waiting. We have wait for almost 2 hours just to wait the passengers full. We were still inside the car until the driver finally being called by tourism agency to take 4 foreigners to Bromo. So we just followed where the driver brought us. A bit complicated here, briefly, we had dealt with tourism agency and joined the jeep tour together with 4 foreigners to Bromo. We paid 450 000 ID in total for homestay and jeep tour to Bromo in the next morning (150 000 per person). Then the Bison took us to our homestay. We arrived at Ana tengger Homestay around 03.00 pm. This was recommended homestay, it was clean, and quite near to Bromo which located in Cemorolawang village. Its cost was 150 000 ID per night.  Usually, when you were at Probolinggo, You can have a deal with Bison driver to travel you to Madakaripura waterfall (located between Probolinggo terminal and Bromo, my friend said it is a recommended waterfall to visit) but it is better if your group consist of more than 6 personals. Unfortunately, we couldn’t be there. Back to bison- Don’t worry the Bison will take you to the homestay you addressed, if you have no idea which homestay you addressed, the driver will offer and help you to decide.

In the afternoon, after resting our back and feet, we took a walk around Cemorolawang and peeked Mt.Bromo a little. This village was the nearest village to Bromo, the water here was sooooo like ice, it was as cold as chlor ethil on skin or even more. At night, we were looking for warung, there was not so many warung here. We had fried rice and hot tea for dinner and paid 12 000 ID per person. Pretty expensive huh?

In the very early morning the next day, the jeep was come at 03.30 am and brought 7 people in it (include us, 2 Germany girls, and a Belgian couple) tracking to Mt Bromo. Passing sea sand and climbing the up-down hill in the dark morning, we finally arrived at “Penanjakan 1” at 04.30 am, then we were waiting the sun to rise. We need more power to step the laden, with the more thin oxygen in air we were really exhausted and almost hypoxic. We were a bit confusing where actually the sun would come first due to no compass. Slowly dispersion of orange came penetrate the cloud. Although the sunrise was not perfect cos of the cloud, the sun kept us warm and clear the scenery around. I could now see the Bromo, Mt.Batok, and Mt. Semeru clearly. Damn it was WOOOOWW. Bromo was just beautiful and so was Semeru. You can see how amazing the bell of mountain behind me in the picture 😉

After delighting our eyes in Penanjakan 1, we were brought down by jeep to the temple and cauldron that usually used in Kasada ceremony. It took 15 minutes by Jeep. We passed sea sand again and step 150 stairs to see the cauldron closer. Don’t worry if you are exhausted to walk, there will be horse that ready to carry you up the hill by paying 10 000-30 000 ID regarding the distance. I decided to ride horse in my half way to the hill by paying 10 000 ID. That was my first time riding horse. Scary but fun enough.

At 9 am, we were back to Jeep and ready to get back to our homestay to take bath and pack our belonging. An hour later, an APV car picked us up (actually that should be the Bison driver who should pick us up but because the driver was hurry to carry 2 Germany to the previous tourism agency, we were transferred to another driver). Lucky us, the car was more comfortable than Bison and we didn’t need to pay more, the cost was just same like Bison.

We arrived at Probolinggo terminal at 11.15 am, we had brunch there and waiting the bus to Malang. We used economic bus to Malang which cost 14 000 ID. Our journey was not finish yet. We still had arrangement trip to Malang and Batu. Yet, I am not gonna share our trip to Batu and Malang here. I will share in the next Part. See you on our next trip !

My tips for you who want to trip to BROMO :

  1. Prepare everything well, you should have plan A, B, or C if it is possible
  2. Find many information before you trip from blogs, websites, or asking your friends. It is better if you arrange anything in detail, from the budgeting, accommodation, venue, transportation, and destination.
  3. If you want to travel, be in group. It will wise if you travel with many people, why? Because it can spare your expends. Like in Bromo, you will be easier if renting a jeep with 6 people in minimum, and jeep will carry you to any destination you want.
  4. Don’t be hesitate to ask, but you’d better ask the compatible person like seller, villager, DLLAJ staf. Approach them using local language, so they will hesitate to cheat you. Like we did to tourism agency.

So, friends what are you waiting for, go prepare your money, your backpack, and go travel to Bromo, and many beautiful places in Indonesia. Believe me Indonesia is just beautiful, Foreigners have claimed it. Believe me or not in Bromo, I saw foreigner tourist mostly than domestic ones.



June 22th, 2012

13.00 pm

_that was my old story which delayed to be posted due to my tight school schedule_

Blessing lonesome at coffee shop

“Here I am, again at my usual coffee shop I used to be. But now, it’s gonna be different because I am sitting alone in the corner and companied by my only one laptop and order for hot beverage in this chilled weather. Then, chococappucino maybe fit to accompany my loneliness right now. This cup of coffee is gonna be my partner for unpredicted subsequent time. For such person like me who try to figure out where is life gonna turn to, loneliness might be an atmosphere I need. I’d like to find a way to kill my boredom by going out to this place and honestly I am seeking for an inspiration.

I turn my laptop on, while waiting it to booth I observe my surrounding view. It’s such like enjoyable moment, seeing the first floor building fulfilled by tables, chairs, vases, fake sunflower in the center of room, and quite near the center, lay down the bar. These views are doubled by people around that for me they are more interesting. There are two waiters in their black uniforms, one is behind the table bar. Other is standing near, waiting customers to call him whether they need any help or order something.

Once in a while I see again how is my laptop going, ohh, my laptop run pretty slow , but my attention now is put on my surrounding, I feel it become more and more interesting. For a moment, I glance at a group of chinese men and women. They are discussing something with a quite high voice, I don’t mean to overhear but I still can get what are they talking about. I partly understand that they are planning to do any event and focusing on how to execute it. Oh fine, I don’t want to hear that discussing to deep. Just keep my eyes and concentration to my laptop again, and thinking what would I write for my blog. Here, my laptop is ready to use now. My index finger move to open my google chrome and start to connect. My blog is my first visit from now.

Yet, my attention is distracted to voices came from about 3 meters away. I notice 4 people getting into coffee shop and choose to sit in the center of room. Two of them are chattering sometimes laughing, they seem laughing about the activity they just did, ehm dunno I guess they might finish watching movie or just finish their karaoke session. While the rest are boy and girl, the girl uses veil, the boy wears hat. They look more mature than two friends of them. The way they talked tell me much that they are talking a more serious thing, they talk in low voice sometimes like whispering, and hoping no one can listen. I am about sure they are couple. A few minute later, one of them put uno card on the table and they start to play. Seeing them remembering me how I used to do that with my old friends. How I miss that moment so much.

I am quite happy with myself in this moment, you know I feel get enlightenment. From the things I observe I see many learning point that basicly normal people communicate their feeling by talking, discussing, sometimes arguing. They need to understand each other and communication is one of the ways. How people interact is a reflection of their feeling. Then we should thank to God for blessing us only to speak and hear a good things. When I am talking, discussing, or arguing with people, I will know more about myself, my defense mechanism, my emotions, and of course my thoughts.

Well, time is still running, now I feel it’s getting fast. My watch shows at 8.15 pm. Ehm, it has been an hour I spend my time here. Meanwhile, I don’t realize that one meter away from my place, had already sat 2 old man, they are about 50 years old or more. I see their hairs are already changed become white. They are eating fried rice, no talking, but once in a while speaking a few sentences in mandarin language. I clearly don’t understand what they said. I only can smile to myself for a thing that I don’t really know.

It sounds silly but I can say that it is not bad sitting alone here. Maybe I had been falling in love at a coffee shop 🙂 I then remember about a movie which titled is Before sunset, there is a scene where a girl told her experience in North Germany, she was sitting alone on bench in a very quiet city. She spent her time alone on bench and suddenly wrote a long journal. She said that in a lonely, unfamiliar, faraway place, your inspiration might come and without your realize you can write 500 pages diary that maybe someday could be your journey book. By watching that movie, I am totally inspired. 🙂

Now, I am trying to transfer my lonesome become an energy to imagine, energy to learn, to evaluate, to contemplate of many thought of brain in my loneliness. I want to utilize my boredom of being loony become my inspiration. I learn from now on. Did you ever hear that inspiration can come from unpredicted place, unpredicted situation. I believe that loneliness is the largest door to get inspiration. You might ever know that our national heroes who mostly are activist and motivation writers inspired civil people by their writing. How they got that flare inspiration? They might get it during their loneliness, their alienation, or their jailed. They created a fired motivation that ignite civil people’s spirit to freedom.

I don’t realize a lot that I facilitate my loneliness to get inspiration, in fact that I mostly get my inspiration in bathroom, in alone situation. I guess I think too much, It’s time for me to come home now, it has been almost 2 hours here. I have got what I am searching for. I learn many from human and know a lot of things in my lonesome. Nothing to worry, nothing to scare, you will get a way to always smile :)”




June 12th, 2012

10.30 am

in my room

PS : the story above is not real actually, that is just a piece of what I was thinking during my loneliness. That is all my imagination 🙂

Maybe, Love is like a picture

dear, readers #bleegghhh sok jd penulis 😛

Here i am again with actually a lot different idea which a bit squeezing my day. Somehow difficult to be transferred into my blog. Then, something called love has chocked part of my brain recently. Love, a word that in fact i am not capable enought to describe. Most  people say it as Love, but until now, i can’t define it well,  what actually love is.

My new friend of mine told me that Love should be like a polaroid photo, instant. Well, maybe it was right.  I still could accept that love might come to u instantly, doesn’t take a long time. Once it strucks you, love is unstopable, isn’t it? Unstopable, even when the Love is going wrong, still it doesn’t want to stop. It might be why i could still see lot of my friends were in love with their beloved who has a different faith with them. it’s looked like pure and holy. I Couldn’t agree more about that. Guyss please,Even me could love many people without discrimination. But for being someone You can be loved faithfully, for a God and good sake, that one has to be in the same paving like you are-the same faith. I know your parent will agree with me :p
How could you love someone who has a different faith with you. Yes, for peace of mankind. I can do that, but for the one who will spend the rest of ur life with. Sorry, i could not agree  and if it happened to me. I’ll do sincerely give up.

Oke, that is our intermezo.

Let focus to the Love of polaroid. Love is instant. Yes, it is right, Like a photo captured by polaroid,  one klik, no much time to wait, and tadaaa…here is the picture.. Because it’s really instant, it could make ur picture look bad and  unsatisfy your self.  The misscaptured thing could still happen.  Similarly with love, cos it comes very instant, you might hunce that this is the love and this is the one u love..without thinking deeper, that maybe what ur feeling was wrong or in sarcastic way, it might be a lust. You know, some  people said that there’s a thin difference between love and lust. watch out!

Let imagine, if love is like a DSLR camera.. hmm, the DSLR camera, a very good gear for profesional photography right? Yes, it is  sophisticated and advance in technology. Doubled with your professional skill You surely can make a good picture . And there is  always delete button to press when you feel unsatisfy of the picture u made. As a good human kind, i am not suggest you to become a  DSLR but to have is Yes :p .You can choose your love, seeing them from a good angle you only want, or create your love  professionally, otherwise professionally delete them before it becomes a photo on a piece of paper. It just stay in your gear as a negative film. How unlucky the person on the film is 😦

then, what the best gear of camera you should have ?
ehm, let me think. how about a Lomo camera. It’s classic yet sentimentil. the real lomo camera shape is looked like DSLR but without screen behind and you need to buy the negative roll to capture the scene. you might ever see it. My friend said that how best your  gear is, without a good skill you definitely can’t create a good picture. I describe A good picture as a picture which will depict the  real condition and has “a life” when you see it longer. On the professional hand, a good life picture could be made even with traditional gear. By using such Lomo camera, you are always wonder how good or bad the picture u made. Then, all u gotta do is going to film printing  station and order the positive film on paper. Could u feel how thrill the photographer is when he/she is waiting the result. I am sure you might want to feel that too..
That’s how the traditional way worked. Eventhougt i don’t really get How love can work in Lomo camera. But, i believe the result is always delighful and so the process is.  So, Love may come in instant, but the way to be last forever take time. You live with love during the process and followed by result. Nothing to be regret for the result u made. . In conclusion, enjoy each process of being in love Cos the process live your life 🙂

Live your happy life surronded by Love
April 29th, 2012
2.50 pm time on my laptop

-cheers- 😀

Nama saya Nura, N (bukan L atau Ng)-U-R-A

suatu siang di tengah presentasi salah satu kasbes interna di ruang

Dr. H : iya silakan bertanya, siapa namanya dik? : nama saya nura, ingin bertanya
Dr. H : siapa? ngurah? dari Bali ya? : (dalam hati : err ==’) bukan dok, nura. (mencoba memperjelas)
dr. H : ouw..luraaa..Luraaa?? : bukan dok >.< N-U-R-A, nura dok
dr.H : Nura? artinya apa tuh? (dengan tampang tak percaya ) : cahaya
dr. H : cahaya kan Nur, di al qur’an ga ada nura artinya cahaya..biasanya kan Nur aini..itu cahaya.. : (hanya tertawa, mesam-mesam),,dan co.as2 lain tertawa

err..==’ bukan sekali ato dua kali orang-orang salah menyebut nama saya. Entah mereka kurang mendengarkan atau nama saya susah disebut. Rasanya tidak, kosakatanya cukup jelas -Nura-, dan bila disebutkan pun juga jelas, terbaca -nura-. Tapi tidak semua orang bisa menyebut ulang nama saya, buktinya, mereka akan menyebutkan ulang dengan salah:
Luraa/Lurah (kalo diplesetin) –> maaf saya tidak menjabat di balai desa,
Lauraaa –> saya bukan cinta laura, terlalu keren bila orang tua saya yang notabene tinggal di desa ngasi nama anaknya Laura
Nora –> bukaaannn, nama saya pake U bukan O, dan NORA itu nama sepupu jauh saya
atau yang paling aneh, sejak pulau Bali berdiri, nama saya menjadi seperti orang bali
Ngurah –> ouw come on, emang tampang berjilbab ini mengalir darah Bali apa? sekalian aja Ngurah Rai yang tiap hari diinjek-injek pesawat #mampuslah

yang lebih lucu dan aneh, ketika di restoran :
si pelayan : “pesan atas nama siapa?
saya : “nura” ,
(pelayan menyodorkan satu sisi telinga minta diulang)
saya : “nura, n-u-r-a”
setelah selesai makan dan ingin membayar ke kasir,
saya : ‘meja 14 mbak”
si kasir : “meja 14 atas nama Nuri?”
(grrrr lagi ==’) ,saya mengangguk pasrah 😦 walaupun benar ordernya di meja 14 tetapi si pelayan salah menuliskan nama Nura jadi nuri. Mbak, saya bukan nuri si pemakan biji (==’), plisss dong ahh..jangan gilaaa!!

memang, nama saya mudah sekali diplesetkan, untuk ejekan yang disengaja ataupun tidak sengaja,
seperti ejekan seorang teman “ahh,,nura norak lo…norak” (err ==’)..atau ‘nurah meriah, murah meriah” (grrrrraooorr lagi 😡
Yang jelas, banyak orang g terima kalo saya mengartikan “nura” dengan cahaya. Pasti mereka tidak terima, dengan argumen kalo cahaya itu Nur (dalam bahasa Arab)
so, whattttt? kan nura juga mengandung nur. #mekso1
Tetep, mereka tidak terima. Bahkan ada teman dan guru olah raga SMP saya bilang kalo -Nura- artinya: Nur: cahaya, dan a : berarti tidak, jadi nura–> tidak bercahayaaa (grrrrrr >.< lagi).

Mas-mas, mbak-mbak, tuan-tuan, nyonya-nyonya, yang ngasi nama saya itu mak bapak sayaaa. Kalo mau tanyakan sendiri pada mereka kenapa ngasi nama Nura. Saya sendiri juga tidak terlalu tahu arti nama saya. Ketika saya tanyakan pada ibu, ibu menjawab Nura itu artinya anaknya Pak Nur (Nur = nama bapak saya, a = artinya anak, jadi Nura : anaknya Nur) simpel sekali pemikiran mereka..#meksoo2
Trus kalo nama tengah saya Eky, artinya apa bu? Ibu saya memaksudkan Eky dengan anak perempuan pertama, padahal tidak ada di kamus jawa ato kamus sansekerta yang bilang Eky itu anak pertama perempuan (kalo Eko baru ada, anak pertama laki-laki). Sepengetahuan saya, Ekki dengan double K dan pake i bukan y pernah di sebut di bahasa sansekerta, tapi artinya sendiri saya kurang paham. Trus kenapa pake Y bukan I di nama Eky saya? Karena terkesan lebih modern, kata Ibu. So, semua nama tengah anak2 orang tua saya pke huruf y bukan i (Nur Ady (nama kakak saya) adi pake y), dan saya Nura Eky (==’) meksoo yooo..ckckckc. #meksooo3

Saya tidak ingin membahas arti nama akhir saya, karena jelas2 itu tak ada artinya, dan sepertinya orang tua saya ngasal aja ngasi nama vikawati (==’kata ibu, karena ada temen ibu yang namanya vika, (g tau deh itu vika orang baik apa bukan). Kalo wati, semua orang mafhum itu tanda keperempuanan.

Jadi , kalo nura kedengeran susah disebutkan , kalian bisa memanggil saya Eky seperti ketika saya SMP, kakak kelas saya memanggil nama saya dengan Eky..sound easier right? or if it’s still sound hard, my closed friends usually called me Nunu..the easiest way to call Nura 🙂

and i am familiar with both call.
though still my name is Nura, without L or Ng in front 😀

April 13th, 2012
09.00 pm

Hujan tak direka #brainscratch

Aku menerka hujan tak kan datang
tapi hujan tak ingin diterka, ia ingin melakukan
yang ia suka, menghidupkan biji yang kering,
menegakan bunga yang layu, memadatkan tanah yang
retak, atau mungkin membasahi hati yang kehausan
haus akan ilmu, cinta dan kasih sayang
hujan petang ini membuat risau kadang sendu suasana
namun hujan pula yang membawa garansi bahwa mungkin
selepas ini akan ada pelangi, walau petang
menyelimuti bumi
aku tak suka bau hujan, terlebih bila harus
merasakannya tanpamu..sederhana bukan? aku hanya
ingin bertemu, bercerita dari surya hingga senja.
rasanya tak sulit, padamu tulangku, aku percayakan
pencarian ini ditanganmu. Hingga akhirnya bertemu,
aku ingin mendengar, membaca, dan menerka dirimu
meski kadang hal itu datang berkebalikan
seperti saat ini, saat hujan tak ingin direka..

April 3th, 2012
6.30 pm

It’s really is Hujan membawa Galauuuu dan meloww,,,#tsahhh ==’

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